Amanda Shayle
Vice-President, The Acupuncture Society
Keynote Speech: Rejuvenating Beauty From Inside Out – Facial Acupuncture & Herbal Remedies
(7th October ’23)
Key topics
– Exploring acupuncture’s ability to effect change in facial appearance
– Assessing herbal remedies and their capability to transform skin health
A renowned practitioner and pioneer of a novel, patented intradermal needle, Amanda Shayle is an incredibly important voice in the field of acupuncture. Through a number of research projects, Amanda has worked tirelessly to accelerate the integration of complementary Chinese medicine into NHS treatment options. She holds positions at multiple Chinese medicine institutions and relevant regulatory bodies.
Amanda runs her own successful clinic, and it was there that she established a new kind of acupuncture treatment which combines her original needle design and LED light therapy integration. Drawing on her first-hand clinical experience, Amanda’s keynote speech Rejuvenating Beauty From Inside Out: Facial Acupuncture & Herbal Remedies will cover her suggestions for improving facial skin quality through two different methods of treatment.